Thursday, September 6, 2007


SAY WHAT? That was my first reaction to the term Young Adult LIterature or more fondly known as YAL. My lecturer, Dr Edwin, I shall refer to him as Dr E... sounds like a character from a science fiction flick doesnt he?... anyway, Dr E's first instruction was for us to write a blog. Sure. I can do that... as soon as I figure out waht a blog is.
Apparently, a blog is some kind of electronic journal written and posted into cyberspace for all the space cadets to view and comment. Oh well. That means I shall have to practice 'selective writing' as I have no desire to get up close and personal with anyone in or out of cyber space.
Ok. back to the business of YAL. What is YAL? A piece of literature written by young adults, obviously! By 'young adults' I mean those between the ages of 20 to 25 since I read somewhere, I think it was in the National Geographic Magazine, that the human brain will only fully mature at the age of 26...and here we are letting them drive at 17 and vote at 21. Go figure!!!
Very good Mala. At least I got the 'piece of literature' part correct. As it turns out, according to Dr E, and he did say its highly debatable, YAL refers to 'literature written for and about young people, ages between 11 to 18. Are you kidding? If 11 to 18 are young adults, what do they call a 40 year old like me...fossilized adults? Depressing? YOU HAVE NO IDEA!!!


Wanpetunjuk said...

Salam my beloved lecturer...heheheh...i never know u have blog, keep blogging mdm...mayb u can motivate or share sumthing wif all readers...about anything...hehehehe, looking forward for ur next entry...salam syawal!!!

Benjamin Ali Rifqi said...

yada yada yada........
u r not fossilized adult,
u r always 33 to me....
the age in heaven