Sunday, July 20, 2008

comedy of error

Semalam, aku hantar kereta aku untuk di servis. memang dah overdue seperti biasa, if I have to do something that requires me to sit and wait for a certain amount of time, I always take a novel with me. Its not like I absolutely love reading , but I hate making polite conversation or engage in pointless small talk with strangers. anti-social? Memang pun...
Tapi, ada jugak orang yang tak faham2, dah nampak aku sedang membaca dengan penuh konsentrasi pun still nak buat conversation...dalam hati aku rasa nak menjerit 'Don't bloody talk to me!!!' tapi aku just senyum dan jawab la dua tiga patah...

Buku yang aku bawa kali ni bertajuk "P.S. I love you", oleh Cecilia Ahern...yang diberi oleh seorang sahabat...not my usual genre, but I have nothing else to read...huhuhu.

Ceritanya mengisahkan kehidupan seorang wanita yang telah kehilangan suaminya...about how she tries to deal with it and get on with her life...yeah sounds very familiar that I could almost identify with what the character was going through. I just want to share with you one of the dillemas that the character faces...which...huhuhu...I face also...seriously...

This was when her friends asked Holly why she doesn't talk about Gerry (her dead husband).

Holly paused for a while and looked out into the black sea. 'I don't know how to talk about him.' She paused again. 'I don't know whether to say "Gerry was" or "Gerry is". I don't know whether to be sad or happy when I talk about him to other people. It's like if I'm happy when I talk about him, certain people judge and expect me to be crying my eyes out. When I'm upset when talking about him, it makes people feel uncomfortable.'

Aku dah biasa dengan situasi begini. I really, seriously, absolutely hate it when somebody asks whether I'm married. Most of the time I just want to say NO...but my conscience would not let me do that. So, tragically, my answer is always...I WAS...etc, etc, etc...and I'll wait for their shocked expression...which I always get...then I'll wait for them to make up their minds whether to say 'So sorry to hear that' or ' you are a very brave woman' or something of that nature...hehehe...I could actually see their confused but sympathetic minds mechanically trying to work out how to react...let's have three sympathetic. supportive. Three...pretend you suddenly went deaf...hahaha...I could die laughing.

Most of the time, they would mumble something which sounded sympathetic and then went silent...looking like they wished the ground would suddenly open up and swallow them...Funny huh? It always ended up with me trying to make them feel better by saying ...tak pe..Dah 12 tahun...( again the shocked expression), I dah biasa...bla...bla...bla...and if they say...wah, dah 12 tahun...awak tak de boyfriend ke?...I would just smile and proceed to re-arrange their faces...


Sengal Ubi said...

ayat last tu...


M.o.2.@. said...

ada makna tu dia tnya cmtu...


amoi_dulli said...

"p.s i love u"?? aww...sad story.. ;p ..well mdm, dat's hw a person wants 2 start a "conversation"....hehe

zizo@celine said...

jiwang nya aunty nie..
jangan marah...takut cepat tua
thanks coz teach me how to do my blog
by the way,good luck in your life
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